September 23, 2023
Moheth Yatheskumar
Mo developed an early fascination with aviation during their childhood — at the age of three, a pivotal moment occurred during a trip to India when he encountered a Boeing 747 on the apron, leaving them awe-struck by the immense size and audacious notion of flying. Initially, Mo pursued a career in medicine, but a revelation two weeks before the end of university application deadlines changed their course entirely. The longing for freedom and a life beyond the confines of an office or building led them to embrace their true passion for aviation.
Their aviation journey commenced at Massey University in Palmerston North, New Zealand, where they trained in DA40s. Despite facing challenges, the dream of becoming a Flight Instructor and eventually an Airline Pilot remained unwavering. The ultimate aspiration is to join Qantas in Project Sunrise, crossing continents and exploring the world from unparalleled perspectives.
With a Bachelor’s in Aviation and an impressive set of licenses, including CPL, ATPL, and MEIR, they relocated to Australia to be closer to family. Discovering Learn To Fly proved to be serendipitous, as the modern approach to aviation and the down-to-earth community captivated them.
Beyond aviation, Mo embraces a passion for travel, exploring numerous countries to experience the world from different angles. Music and movies hold a special place in their heart, and they cherish spending quality time with family and friends. A self-proclaimed food enthusiast, they are open to trying diverse cuisines.
Mo finds great fulfilment in shaping the next generation of pilots and connecting with like-minded individuals. The most gratifying moments as an instructor arise when they guide their students to find solutions independently, witnessing those “click” moments when all the pieces fall into place in the students’ minds.