Since 2016, Learn To Fly Singapore has been dedicated to guiding aspiring Singaporeans aviators towards realizing their dreams in the skies.

Based in Melbourne, Australia, Learn To Fly is a renowned flight school that has been offering specialized flight training programs to students from Singapore since 2016. Over the years, our training programs have paved the way for numerous Singaporean students to carve out successful careers in aviation. Many have ascended to the role of airline pilots in Singapore, while others have taken on the mantle of flight instructors in Australia. Whatever your aviation dreams may be, we are dedicated to supporting and guiding you through your journey.

Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL)

To pursue a career as an airline pilot, one route is obtaining a Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL) and applying for direct entry positions with Singaporean airlines. Our 60-week Diploma of Aviation (CPL) program caters to international students aiming for the CPL. After achieving the CPL, students can further enhance their qualifications with Multi-Engine Instrument Rating (MECIR)M training.

Airline Interview Preparation

Learn To Fly Melbourne’s specialised Airline Interview Preparation Programs have helped more than 250 pilots since 2016 to achieve success in their applications to multiple leading airlines internationally.

Why Learn To Fly With Us?

At Learn To Fly, our goal is to make your pilot journey as simple as possible, so you focus on the enjoyment of flying. We train professional pilots who just want to fly recreationally. But there are plenty of flight schools for Singapore students. So, why should you choose Learn To Fly for your flight training?

As Victoria, Australia's sole Diamond aircraft operator, our fleet extends beyond DA40 and DA42 aircraft, including over 25 well-maintained planes like the Cessna 172, Sling, Piper Seminole, and Super Decathlon. This diverse range ensures minimal training delays due to maintenance. Each aircraft is scrupulously cared for by licensed Aircraft Maintenance Engineers (LAME), ensuring both safety and reliability for a top-notch training experience.

Our team consists of over 30 flight instructors, including highly skilled Grade 1, Grade 2, and Grade 3 instructors. With a substantial number of Grade 2 and Grade 1 instructors, we ensure ready availability for conducting solo checks for students. Moreover, our in-house flight examiners facilitate prompt arrangement and rescheduling of flight tests, offering flexibility and efficiency, especially in instances of weather-related cancellations.

We provide a wealth of training materials for our students, including comprehensive training guides, PowerPoint presentations, and instructional flight training videos. These resources are accessible through our online training portal, allowing students to thoroughly prepare for their flying lessons in advance. Such preparation enhances understanding during actual flight lessons, ultimately saving time and money by making each session more effective and efficient.

In Melbourne, we operate three advanced training centers, encompassing over 5500sqm and featuring a Flight Operations Center, a Theory Center, and a Flight Sim Center. Our location in Class D controlled airspace allows students to experience real-world airline conditions, learning to coordinate with air traffic controllers. The busy nature of the airport also aids in developing situational awareness, a crucial skill for pilots.

Our Courses


Flying hours a year

Our Fleet



Our People


Flight instructors

Our Student


Job placements since 2017 (together with ACS)

Professional affordable training

Our Courses

Flight training programs available for Singapore students, including the Recreational Pilot Licence (RPL), Private Pilot Licence (PPL), and Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL). This section is designed to guide you through the options available, helping you to choose the course that best aligns with your flying aspirations, whether for leisure or a professional career in aviation.

Select Training Endorsment




LTF Student Stories

Check out the personal journeys of our students at Learn to Fly Melbourne. This space features a collection of blog posts where students share their unique experiences, challenges, and triumphs in flight training. From first solo flights to achieving pilot licenses, these narratives offer a genuine look into the life of a student pilot.

Recent Student Achievements

Here, you'll find some of our students who have successfully completed various stages of their flight training or achieved milestones. This section celebrates their hard work, dedication, and the bright futures they have ahead in aviation.

Jeremy Low - PPL

Zacha Chua - PPL

Puvanash Manogar - PPL

Astley Ng - PPL

Gabriel Ng - RPL

Harley Tindal - FIR

Neym Rizvi - First Solo

Angela Zhang - PPL

Mahesh Ganesh - CPL

Averiall Yuen - First Solo
Hong Kong

Our primary training facility is located in Melbourne, Australia. For your practical training, you'll be required to travel to Melbourne to complete it. We also offer online theory courses that you can begin in Singapore prior to starting your practical training. This approach is designed to help you save time and complete your training more efficiently.

Training in Melbourne offers several advantages. Firstly, Singapore has limited airspace and fewer flight schools, leading to higher training costs. Secondly, due to restricted airspace, comprehensive navigation training, which is essential for a standard Private Pilot Licence (PPL), is not feasible in Singapore. This limitation means a Singaporean PPL cannot be used as a regular PPL in other countries. In contrast, Australia provides extensive airspace and abundant training resources, making the training more comprehensive. Additionally, an Australian Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) licence is recognized worldwide, enhancing your qualifications as a pilot.

At Learn to Fly, we provide a range of training courses including Recreational Pilot Licence (RPL), Private Pilot Licence (PPL), and Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL) training. For international students, we offer diploma programs that allow them to apply for a student visa to stay and study in Australia for CPL training. Additionally, we offer specialized training such as multi-engine, instrument rating, and flight instructor rating training. For a complete list of the training programs we conduct, please refer to our courses section.

Your choice of training program depends on whether you're flying for fun or for a career. If it's for leisure, the Recreational Pilot Licence (RPL) and Private Pilot Licence (PPL) are suitable, and you can learn under a tourist visa. For a career as a professional pilot, aim for the Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL). Since the CPL requires 60 weeks of training, you'll need to enrol in the Diploma of Aviation (CLP) program, which qualifies you to apply for a student visa.

We provide student accommodations, conveniently located just a 15-20 minute walk from the school. This allows you to save both time and money as there's no need for public transport. Our accommodations are exclusively available to our students, fostering an excellent learning environment. However, due to their popularity, it's important to book your accommodation at least 3 months in advance.

There are two main pathways to becoming an airline pilot in Singapore. Firstly, you can apply for cadet pilot programs offered by Singaporean airlines. Since 2016, we have been providing airline interview training and have assisted over 250 students in joining various global airlines. The second option is to complete your CPL training independently, accumulate flying experience, and then apply for direct entry positions with airlines in Singapore. Each path has its advantages and disadvantages. Feel free to contact us for more detailed information and guidance.

Absolutely. The Australian CASA licence is recognized by all 191 ICAO member states, including Singapore, Hong Kong, the US, and Europe. This allows for relatively easy conversion of your pilot licence in your home country. However, each country has different requirements for pilot licence conversion, so it's important to check their aviation authority's website for specific information. If you have any questions about licence conversion, feel free to ask us for guidance.

The RPC, or Recreational Pilot Certificate, and the RPL, or Recreational Pilot Licence, are two different qualifications in aviation. The RPC is issued by RAAus and limits holders to flying aircraft with a Maximum Takeoff Weight (MTOW) of 600kg, without the privilege of carrying passengers. On the other hand, the RPL, issued by CASA, permits flying aircraft up to 1,500kg MTOW and allows the carriage of up to 3 passengers. Additionally, it's important to note that if you have aspirations to complete the integrated CPL (Commercial Pilot Licence) training in the future, starting with an RPC is not an option as all RPC training programs are non-integrated. This distinction is crucial for those planning a pathway towards the integrated CPL training.

All training courses, including PPL (Private Pilot Licence) and CPL (Commercial Pilot Licence), commence with the RPL (Recreational Pilot Licence) training syllabus. The RPL syllabus is fundamental, covering all the basic flying skills and techniques. It's not possible to bypass this crucial stage and directly move into PPL training, which focuses on navigation. When there's mention of 'skipping RPL,' it typically refers to foregoing the RPL flight test. In such cases, students complete the RPL training syllabus and then proceed to the PPL training syllabus, culminating in the PPL flight test. However, this approach is not generally recommended. Opting to skip the RPL flight test means that during your PPL flight test, you will still be assessed on the RPL flight test components. This results in a longer and more challenging examination, increasing the likelihood of failure. Consequently, if you fail the test, it may incur additional costs to retake it. Therefore, completing the RPL flight test before progressing to PPL training is often the more prudent and cost-effective route.

Learn to Fly Melbourne is an ideal choice for several reasons. Since 2016, we've been providing flight training to a large number of international students, including those from Singapore and Hong Kong, giving us a deep understanding of diverse cultures and concerns. We are one of the largest flight schools in Australia, boasting a fleet of over 25 aircraft and more than 30 flight instructors. Additionally, we have our own flight examiner, ensuring smooth arrangement of flight training, solo checks, and flight tests. Our extensive training materials, including an online portal and videos, allow you to start training from your home country.

Most Asked Questions Answered

Frequently Asked Questons

Welcome to the FAQ section of Learn to Fly Singapore! Here, we've compiled a list of frequently asked questions to help guide you on your journey to becoming a pilot. Our goal is to ensure you have all the information you need to embark on this exciting adventure with confidence. If you have any further questions, feel free to reach out to us for more personalized assistance.


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